If you could choose one area of your business that you don’t really like to deal with, yet it is a necessity, what would it be?!
The digital world has been growing now for over 20 years, but it only really became accessible to most businesses from around 2010. From then on, most software developers for small to medium sized business have plunged their resources into it and year-on-year we see improvements.
This new wave of accounting has made the finance function accessible, achievable and understandable for even the most unwilling of business owners. It gives you the power and time to concentrate on running your business which, let’s be honest, is the reason you started in the first place.
The benefit for us with the improvement in this technology, is that we can do what we love most, get involved with your business and provide the advice and support you need to meet your goals.
Elm have been a joy to work with over the past 3 years. Their approach is friendly yet professional and thorough. We hope to be with them for years to come.